Indie rap icon Busdriver has written an inspired opinion piece asking if black musicians, actors, dancers and designers should go on strike.
“Imagine if we responded like a labor force, and answered [white supremacy] with a strike,” he ponders in Pitchfork. “Imagine a strike within the fields where we are most visible, where we generate a shit load of money and where we assert the most influence — music, dance, film, design — colored people could refuse to be complicit in a multilayered, denial/exploitation machine that serves pockets of wealth both founded and sustained by the ownership and oppression of blacks.”
After discussing some of the social and economic polices that have disadvantaged black Americans in the past century, he adds: “American arts, forged in the simultaneous scorn and commodification of the black experience, serve media corporations that cement white wealth. Reclaiming our cultural givens as Black American Artists creates our equity.”
It’s a good read, so check it out in full. Busdriver gave a similarly incisive interview to FACT’s Laurent Fintoni last year – check that out and let him introduce you to his back catalogue.