Noted opponent of streaming Thom Yorke has made his catalogue available on Apple Music.
Both of Thom Yorke’s solo albums, Atoms For Peace’s Amok and Radiohead’s In Rainbows are all available on Apple’s brand new streaming service. Yorke and his Atoms for Peace collaborator Nigel Godrich famously pulled their catalogue from streaming services in 2013, criticising the platforms for not compensating artists fairly.
In a 2013 interview, Yorke said, “I feel like as musicians we need to fight the Spotify thing. We don’t need you to do it. No artists need you to do it. We can build the shit ourselves, so fuck off. … To me this isn’t the mainstream, this is is like the last fart, the last desperate fart of a dying corpse. What happens next is the important part.”
Yorke’s 2014 solo album Tomorrow’s Modern Boxes was released exclusively through BitTorrent. That album and the rest of Yorke’s catalogue can now be streamed by Apple Music subscribers.
Yorke’s decision comes after veteran rockers AC/DC finally made their back catalogue available for streaming yesterday. [via CoS]