Get some sleep, Danny.
Legowelt has more music for us, and this time it’s a collection of “Nordic ambient” pieces released under the alias Saab Knutson.
Knutson is “a man with many issues, but on the Faroe Islands there is no time for issues,” he explains on Bandcamp. “To stay of sound mind, Saab plays his synthesizers in the few spare hours he manages to find, unmistakenly influenced by Faroe’s spellbinding landscapes and grim climate.”
Synth nerds will want to know that Danny Wolfers conjured his latest up on his Yamaha DX100, Roland JX3P, Alpha Juno 2, and EMU 16 bit digital sampling keyboard.
Stream the album below and pick it up from Bandcamp.
The ever-generous producer has lately given away a selection of his tools: a sample pack in collaboration with Elektron, another focusing on Yamaha DX synths, and of course the Clapernicus clap synth for Ableton. [via RA]