Originally posted on The Vinyl Factory
Bring a crate.
Hollywood’s Record Parlour record store is giving away 5,000 records for free this weekend. Following last weekend’s $1 sale, the Parlour is shifting the rest of its records for free to make space for a massive new shipment on August 15. The deal? Spend $20 on anything at The Record Parlour and they’ll let you take up to 100 records home for free.
For weeks now, Record Parlour has teased news of its “Tower Records Collection” with images of classic and rare vinyl in mint condition. The new haul of several thousand vintage records includes some of the 25,000+ 45s they picked up just a few weeks ago.
In the meantime, old stock has got to go. Opening the floor to DJs to come and play strictly 7″ sets on Saturday, the Record Parlour advise simply: “It’s gonna be wild so get here early – when they’re gone they’re gone.”
Find out more here or head straight to 6408 Selma Ave in Hollywood, CA to get in line.