The owners have said the venue will return in a different form.

The management of Dublin club The Twisted Pepper have issued a full statement regarding the closure reported on August 10.

“We feel we’ve achieved what we set out to do with The Twisted Pepper, and as always for us, once we get the itch to move on and develop something new, we gotta move on,” the owners wrote on Facebook.

“We opened in 2008, probably the worst economic time to open any venue in Dublin. We’re closing in 2015, probably as good a time as any to remain open. Economic circumstances never affected why we opened, nor why we are closing. When you believe you’re doing something different and you’ve got the fire in your belly – you go for it. When you’ve done all you have set out to do, and you start to feel your repeating yourself and the passion goes, it’s over.

The owners quashed the rumour reported yesterday that the club would reopen solely as a restaurant, saying: “54 Middle Abbey St will be refurbished with a new bar and food focus, mixed with another 5-10 random ideas that will inevitably ‘make no sense’. We will not be a restaurant, we have no idea where that rumour came from.”

According to the owners, music will still play a part, but not in the form it took previously. “We want to make things smaller, more intimate, more local, more creative… more fun. We want do things differently, but also in many ways return to the roots of where we started many moons ago in Wax. We’ll keep some fans, lose some fans, and hopefully gain some new ones. Maybe we’ll even regain some old ones.”

The owners have stressed that their other businesses Vice Coffee Inc and Boxcutter Barbershop will be open as usual, and aim to reopen the venue as something new in October.

The Twisted Pepper’s last events will take place this Thursday to Saturday with nights run by Welcome, Mud and Pogo. You can find more details on Facebook and some of the huge line-up on the flyer below.




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