“We all know that the idiots rule the Earth, but this is taking idiocy just too far.”
Morrissey has attacked the Australian government’s plan to cull two million feral cats, likening their plight to that of Cecil the lion, the animal shot by a US dentist in July, The Guardian reports.
“We all know that the idiots rule the Earth, but this is taking idiocy just too far,” Morrissey wrote in an open letter posted on the fansite True To You.
“The cats (who keep the rodent population under control) will be killed in a ferocious manner, using Compound 10/80, which is a gut-wrenching poison of the most unimaginable and lengthy horror.
“The people of Australia would never agree to this – but of course they will not be consulted, because the Australian government as ruled by Tony Abbott is essentially a committee of sheep-farmers who have zero concerns about animal welfare or animal respect.
“The cats are, in fact, 2 million smaller versions of Cecil The Lion. All I can say is … come, come, nuclear bomb …”
Australia is planning the feral cat genocide because they are considered a “tsunami of violence and death” responsible for the death of large numbers of the country’s wildlife.
A spokesperson for the country’s environment minister Greg Hunt has defended the plans as “humane,” saying that the feral cat bait they have developed to carry out the job “works in a way that is similar to the cat falling into a deep sleep and not waking up.”
Earlier this year Morrissey praised a bull for goring a bullfighter he described as a “serial killer”.