“We have been listening to what local people have to say and we want to work with them.”
Plans to redevelop a building overlooking Peckham’s Bussey Building and Rye Wax venues have been “paused” following widespread public criticism.
Frame Property co-founder Nick Mansour told The Peckham Peculiar: “It has never been our intention to have a negative impact on the Bussey Building – quite the opposite in fact.
“We have been listening to what local people have to say and we want to work with them. That’s why we have paused our planning application while we review the public’s comments alongside our plans.”
The building at 133 Rye Lane was bought by the Bermondsey-based group earlier this year, who put in a planning application with Southwark Council to add two storeys to the roof, along with 11 flats and up to eight retail units.
The plans have put the area’s nightlife and the jobs of those nearby in jeopardy, as Rye Wax’s Tom Stiedl explained to FACT last week:
“This development threatens everyone in the Copeland Park site, but particularly the music venues as the flats will be overlooking the outside areas used for night trade, and we all know what’s going to happen there.
“It’s totally ridiculous, the building couldn’t be worse positioned for becoming residential. On top of that the whole site will face access issues that will threaten businesses and undermine what everyone has been working towards in the past couple of years. Literally hundreds of jobs in the area could be at risk.”
The planning application on Southwark Council’s website has received over 1000 comments from the public since the news emerged.