Hear the blissed out new single ‘Burrows’ below.
Producer Odd Nosdam has been a mainstay for Anticon, rapper Serengeti, not to mention lovingly remembered trio, cLOUDDEAD. Now he’s returned with the new album Sisters on Leaving Records, his first for the label since Swedish Fish, a collaborative release the the label’s boss Matthewdavid.
Sisters is described as a split between “cosmic, slow burning beats” and “reflective soundscapes”, it certainly sounds that way from the new single ‘Burrows’. To fit with that hazy feel Sisters will be available as a VHS tape in addition to vinyl and digital, so dig out those old players before its February 26 release and listen to ‘Burrows’ below.
Read Next: cLOUDDEAD: Dose One, Odd Nosdam and Why? look back at indie rap’s defining moment.