Hear some of the highlights from the Bandcamp label’s vast back catalogue.
We started this year off by including the Bandcamp label and vaporwave oasis Dream Catalogue in our labels to watch in 2016, but picking where to start can be intimidating. DC has an enormous back catalogue, so they’ve made it easier with their latest release, Best Of Dream Catalogue, 2814-2815. The release features some recent favorites of ours including Nmesh (who delivered a mind melting FACT mix last year) and Death’s Dynamic Shroud.wmv (who’s I’ll Try Living Like This landed at #15 on our best albums of 2015).
The full release can be streamed now, but the label is also selling a limited CD which will enter you in a sweepstakes to win more releases. Head to Dream Catalogue’s Bandcamp for more info and stream Best Of below.