Love is a bourgeois construct, as the Pet Shop Boys once sang.
If V-Day brings you out in a rash, you might enjoy sending an anti-Valentine to whoever it was who fucked you over.
Diagonal Records boss Powell and prolific Copenhagen noisemaker Loke Rahbek (Croation Amor, Lust For Youth) have made a customisable hatemail generator for February 14 – simply enter the name of your ex and send it anonymously. (Is this illegal?)
The e-card comes with a fittingly bleak track by the pair, ‘You Said It Would Be Alright’, which you can hear before you send your poisoned missive.
Powell’s recently paid tribute to his incredible University Challenge doppelganger on ‘Underground Rock ‘n’ Roll’.
Read this next: Loke Rahbek on Croatian Amor, Lust For Youth and why he wants your naked selfies