The Alice Cooper and Pink Floyd collaborator’s kids have a free pair of Yeezys coming their way.

Kanye West has struck out against Bob Ezrin after veteran rock producer wrote an open letter accusing the Life Of Pablo rapper of “egomaniacal tantrums and tasteless grandstanding”.

Ezrin, who worked on Pink Floyd’s The Wall and Lou Reed’s Berlin, called Kanye’s songwriting “sophomoric at best”, and slammed him for “not [addressing] social issues through his music like Marshall, Macklemore and Kendrick”.

“Sure, he made some great music for himself and others,” wrote Ezrinin in the post for American music industry analyst Bob Lefsetz’s newsletter, the Lefsetz Letter.

“But in spite of what the aspirationally-cool media keeps saying about him, unlike other creators in his genre like Jay-Z, Tupac, Biggie or even M.C. Hammer for that matter, it’s unlikely that we’ll be quoting too many of Kanye’s songs 20 years from now. He didn’t open up new avenues of public discourse like NWA, or introduce the world to a new art form like Grandmaster Flash.

“What he is a true artist at is living his life out loud – and shoving it down the throats of the rest of us whether we give a shit or not,” the producer continued. “He’s like that flasher who interrupts a critical game by running naked across the field. Is that art???”

In response, West took to Twitter to label Ezrin an “idiot”, saying “I’m tired of old people that have no connection with anything trying to comment on music!”

He added: “Could you imagine being Bob Ezrin’s children?”

Truly though, Ezrin’s children have been through enough – as rock lore has it, during the recording of Lou Reed’s Berlin, Ezrin actually convinced them that their mother had been killed in an accident in order to record them crying for the song ‘The Kids’.

Kanye later offered to send Ezrin’s children free pairs of Yeezys “to make up for the embarrassment” their father had caused them, but those kids are in their fifties now – they’re probably not gonna pull them off.

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