Haley Fohr takes on a mysterious alias for her new record.
This June, Thrill Jockey will release Jackie Lynn, the self-titled debut of a mysterious character adopted by songwriter Circuit Des Yeux. Pictured with a cowboy hat, and stylish-yet-creepy face mask, Lynn’s elaborate backstory involves lavish parties, criminal misadventures in Chicago and an enormous amount of cocaine — it ends with a mysterious disappearance leaving only the drug-spattered record that we’ll soon be able to hear.
When we spoke to Fohr last year about Circuit Des Yeux’s excellent In Plain Speech, the Chicago songwriter was already excitedly talking about writing her next step.
“I’m already writing the next record,” she told us, “I’ve got so many ideas … everything is adding up to something greater than even this last record”. Now that record seems to have surfaced, curiously under a new guise.
All we have for now is the artwork, tracklist and short trailer for Jackie Lynn, which will be available on June 10 via Thrill Jockey. Watch it below and read Fohr’s statement about the project underneath.
01 ‘Bright Lights’
02 ‘Chicken Picken’
03 ‘Smile’
04 ‘O’
05 ‘Alien Love’
06 ‘Franklin, TN’
07 ‘The Great Fight’
08 ‘Jackie’
This is what we know: Born and raised in Franklin, TN, in May of 2010, Jackie took a Greyhound bus from Franklin, TN to Chicago, IL. Upon her arrival in the city of Chicago, Jackie found a cheap sublet on the south side of Chicago. She soon became acquainted with Tom Strong (real name unknown) on a short CTA bus trip to the Chicago Loop. We believe that Tom & Jackie together ran a multimillion dollar business distributing the illegal substance of cocaine around Chicago & the Chicago tristate area for over four years. Authorities believe that a local automobile shop was used as the main distributions headquarter.
Over the years, Tom & Jackie have become well known for their large and lavish parties thrown at an apartment located on Sacramento & 26th street. Police have been hot on their trail, but have found no probable cause to make an arrest. A domestic dispute was reported on February 18th of 2015. When police arrived, the apartment was found deserted. Traces of cocaine were found on a red and gold LP jacket with the following recording enclosed.