Coming to Detroit in May.
Wolf Eyes have detailed their inaugural Trip Metal Festival, a multimedia festival that will include performances, film screenings and other cultural events. It will take place in Detroit on May 27-29 (which is the same weekend as massive electronic music gathering Movement, which is also in Detroit) and will feature appearances from the band, a collaboration between Andrew W.K. and Wolf Eyes member Nate Young, Hieroglyphic Being (who will also tentatively be in conversation with someone TBA) and more. Find all of the details here.
Wolf Eyes’ new alignment with Third Man Records will also bring a retail component into the festival and the band is slated to reissue their out-of-print albums Dread and Mugger on cassette, with vinyl reissues to come later this year. The band also plans on re-releasing Dead Hills, Stabbed in the Face EP and Burned Mind, as well.
Revisit Wolf Eyes’ FACT Mix from 2015.