The Lewisham MC takes on crooked politicians.
Novelist has shared another new beat on SoundCloud, this time returning to his long-standing suspicion of the establishment with a riddim called ‘Tax The MPs’.
The track opens with word from David Cameron (“Without a strong economy, you can’t have the strong NHS, the strong schools, the strong defence forces this country needs”) over shouts of “liar, liar, pants on fire”, which is how Nov has captioned the track too: “Off shore files aye? We aint having a bar of it. Tax the MPS.”
Nov also sampled Cameron on last year’s ‘Street Politician’.
Earlier this month Novelist released ‘Rest In Peace’ in response to the death of Myron Yarde, aka MDot, a 17-year-old MC who was stabbed to death in south-east London.
His other recent SoundCloud uploads include ‘Hoax’ co-produced with Prem and a bleak instrumental titled ‘Caspar Riddim’.