A multilingual mash-up that’s so very, very wrong.

With just a few weeks to go until Londoners decide who will replace Boris Johnson as their mayor, the race between the two frontrunners is heating up.

Conservative candidate Zac Goldsmith has already landed in hot water over his attempts to woo the capital’s British Asian population, including sending out leaflets to addresses with Hindu and Sikh-sounding names warning them that his rival, Labour candidate Sadiq Khan, would tax their family jewellery.

In an effort to broaden his appeal to a city where over 100 languages are spoken, Goldsmith’s team has recorded this very special campaign song featuring lyrics in Hindi, Urdu, Punjabi, Mandarin and Bangla, as the Guardian reports.

Wow. Much language. So diversity.

Created by grassroots organisation Conservative Connect, the song’s lyrics tell us that it’s “the start of a new dawn”, that “Zac Goldsmith is worthy of appreciation, he is patient and he is brave”, and even that “all the Bengalis will only vote for you”. There’s also the very catchy Mandarin hook: “Zac is determined to work for a better London and will protect Londoners interests”.

For some reason they’ve paired the tabla drum with a lilting soca rhythm, adding a totally different flavour of what Goldsmith probably calls “the Commonwealth”.

Khan, for his part, recently pledged to protect London’s nightlife and bring in the Night Tube, which sounds pretty good – but can you really trust a man whose favourite band is The Police?

Meanwhile at the infinitely cooler White House, Barack Obama’s favourite song of last year was also one of FACT’s favourites, while Michelle Obama recently enlisted Missy Elliott for a charity single.



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