Two-and-a-half hours of hypnagogic pop at its finest.
James Ferraro sounds like he’s on the verge of shapeshifting into a new form on his upcoming album Human Story 3, but before that Aguirre Records have provided an essential look back on one of his earlier works.
Next week, the label will release Rerex, a triple-LP release that combines the two Rerex CD-Rs released on Muscleworks Inc. in 2009. It marks the first time the albums have ever appeared on vinyl.
Released two years before the hyperreal digital textures of Far Side Virtual, Rerex captured Ferraro freshly out of Skaters, his legendary collaborative project with Spencer Clark, and rapidly developing his ever expanded sound-world. The six tracks capture some of Ferraro’s most organic and psychedelic music, blending murky percussion, watery soundscapes and surreal samples into one writhing whole.
Order Rerex via Aguirre now and revisit some of the album’s wildest sections below.