“It is a labor of love, no money has been exchanged.”
An online archive of Prince’s official websites, called the Prince Online Museum, has opened today (July 4).
The museum, which features websites like 3rdEyeGirl.com, 20PR1NC3.com and NPGMusicClub.com, is a reminder of everything Prince accomplished “as an independent artist with the support of his vibrant and dedicated online community,” director Sam Jennings told Billboard.
Despite a love-hate relationship with the internet, the Purple Rain artist had around 20 different websites over 20 years, as well as several different social media accounts.
The Prince Online Museum was built by the people who worked directly with Prince on projects like the award-winning NPG Music Club website, which offered music, videos and radio shows to fans online via monthly and annual memberships from 2001 to 2006.
Jennings continues: “We are the originators, we are the experts. It is a labor of love, no money has been exchanged. There will be no downloads sold and no membership fees required. But we do have working versions of almost all of Prince’s official websites.”
Visit the Prince Online Museum.
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