All you need to get started with modular synthesis.
US synth company Pittsburgh Modular has introduced the latest addition to its family, an all-in-one desktop instrument called the Lifeforms SV-1 Blackbox.
The Blackbox will be recognisable to anyone familiar with the company’s modular synth innovations: its main component was lauchched earlier this year as part of the Lifeforms range, which aims to make the Eurorack format more accessible.
Pittsburgh Modular previously only offered larger Lifeforms cases, but the Blackbox fits the SV-1 synth into a single desktop unit much like Make Noise’s recent 0-Coast all-in-one synthesizer.
CV connections mean it will work with existing Eurorack modular systems, but it also works alone without the need for patch cables. It also features a MIDI to CV converter so it will work with other controllers and sequencers.
According to Pittsburgh Modular, the Lifeforms SV-1 Blackbox will be available from August 12 for $699. If it’s not unique enough for your needs, the company last year launched a fully patchable modular guitar effects pedal.