This week in “Morrissey is angry at…”
In an interview with Israeli website Walla, Morrissey criticized the BBC coverage of Brexit.
“It has been shocking to witness the refusal of the UK news media to be fair enough to accept the final decision of the people simply because this decision does not suit the establishment,” he said.
He continued: “The BBC have not ever questioned the Remain voters, and this confirms how the BBC, like Sky News or even Fox News, are not giving us news at all, but they are attempting to influence us with their own opinions, which is not the moral duty of any news network”. He also accused the network of “persistently smear[ing] people who voted Leave… almost condemning such people as being irresponsible, drunken racists”.
Morrissey has always been a political artist, but he notes in the interview that his cancer treatments had slowed him down and got him to pay more attention to the vote. He’s also had downtime while searching for a label to distribute his follow up to 2014’s World Peace Is None Of Your Business. The untitled new album is already written, he explained, but actual recording sessions won’t start until a label is found.
“The combination of doctors and hospitals and treatments accelerates the aging process in a certain way,” he said.