Also great for anyone who likes a history of memes.
Like it or not, vaporwave continues to be a source of fascination for people outside of the genre’s community. YouTuber Fredrik Knudsen, who created a mini-documentary series called Down the Rabbit Hole, is one of those people and he’s created a 20-minute piece on the history of vaporwave, from Oneohtrix Point Never to Simpsonwave.
There are some flaws to the video. About halfway through, Knudsen uses Surfing’s Deep Fantasy as an example of one of the, ahem, waves of vaporwave. But as FACT’s own Miles Bowe noted in the June edition of his Bandcamp column, the group “never intended to be associated with vaporwave.” The album “became a beloved record in the community, earning a growing affection” fostering a reissue over the summer from the label 100% Electronica.
Still, Knudsen’s done a pretty good job of covering his bases and seeming genuinely interested for someone who probably doesn’t spend his days searching Bandcamp for the latest Muzak-informed, web art-bedazzled new albums. “I freely admit that I’m an outsider looking in on this subject, and I tried to remain at least mostly objective about this topic and refrain from making too many qualitative statements,” he writes in the comments. I also admit that this was a very shallow look into a very deep topic… I love Vaporwave, and I think it’s one of the few true art movements that has come out of postmodernism.”