Banks’ Instagram video showed her cleaning up feathers and blood from “three years’ worth of brujeria.”
Azealia Banks has told “pompous” Sia to “have some fucking respect” after the This Is Acting singer hit out her for allegedly sacrificing chickens in a witchcraft ritual.
The spat came after Banks posted a video to Instagram showing her taking a power sander to a cupboard caked in feathers and dried blood, claiming to be cleaning up “three years’ worth of brujeria,” the Spanish word for witchcraft. “Real witches doing real things,” she adds before going in with her “sand blaster.”
Sia, a long-standing and vocal supporter of animal rights, later took to Twitter to call Banks’ apparent chicken sacrifices for personal gain “the wackest shit I’ve ever heard… Get ahead by being awesome, kind and working hard.”
Banks responded on Instagram, firing back in now-deleted posts that demanded respect for “my fucking traditional African religion.”
Banks later offered to make a concoction that would help Sia’s “chapped face.”
The episode marks Banks’ latest social media storm of 2016 after another turbulent year. After accusing actor Russell Crowe of assaulting her only to have her case dismissed, she recently reignited her long-standing beef with Nicki Minaj.