Graham Reynolds’ eerie score to A Scanner Darkly finally arrives on wax.
Richard Linklater’s controversial animated interpretation of Philip K Dick’s A Scanner Darkly was released back in 2006, and now its soundtrack – by Graham Reynolds – is finally being released on vinyl.
Reynolds’ original score features the Golden Arm Trio and was originally released by Lakeshore Records on CD. Fire has teamed up with Lakeshore for this special marbled vinyl edition and it’s set for release on August 4.
You can pre-order the soundtrack now, and check out the tracklist below.
01 ‘7 Years From Now’
02 ‘Aphids’
03 ‘Swallowed Up In Victory’
04 ‘Strawberry Pie’
05 ‘The Dark World Where I Dwell’
06 ‘Sex, Beer And Pills’
07 ‘A Farm Near The Mountains’
08 ‘Bug-Bite Squared’
09 ‘Pose As A Nark’
10 ‘Do You Like Cats?’
11 ‘A Scanner Darkly’
12 ‘Abrasocaine’
13 ‘Part Of The Plan’
14 ‘Are You Experiencing Any Difficulties?’
15 ‘Your Move, Peterbilt’
16 ‘Room 203’
17 ‘Escorted To The Bright Lights’
18 ‘You’ll See The Way You Saw Before’
19 ‘A New Path’
20 ‘Little Blue Flowers’
21 ‘Darkly Mix’
22 ‘Call Sign/Aleph:/’