But the local black market does have a pervasive opioid problem.
It has been almost a year since Prince suffered a deadly fentanyl overdose at his Paisley Park home. While health care providers Dr. Michael T. Schulenberg and Andrew Kornfeld, who were on the scene the day of Prince’s death, are no longer of interest to investigators, the source of Prince’s fentanyl is still a mystery.
The New York Times reports that fentanyl had become pervasive on the local black market, according to Minnesota officials: “If Prince’s fentanyl came from the black market — which appears clear, because investigators do not seem to have turned up a prescription — tracing it will be all the more difficult, as there is no official paper trail.”
$181 million has since been spent to enact the Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act, which will address the opioid epidemic. The Times also reports that Minnesota has legislated their own regulations on opioids “including requirements that doctors and pharmacists do a better job of tracking opioid prescriptions.”
“Prince’s death has raised the profile of the opioid crisis even further,” Dr. Chris Johnson, chairman of the Minnesota Department of Human Services Opioid Prescribing Work Group tells the Times. “Even though [his] final dose and exit was illicit, the reason he needed it was because of the years of prescriptions that got him on that path.”
Read next: Why Prince mattered to me, by D∆WN, King Britt, AraabMuzik and more