Wanna know what 200bpm hardcore dance music sounds like at a fraction of the speed? Read on.
Coming next from Low Jack and Jean Carval’s cultish Editions Gravats label is something typically out of the ordinary – a “screwed and chopped” gabber excursion featuring tracks selected by Carval and “slashed and burned” by Low Jack, aka Erwan Tarek.
The album, entitled Nation De La Boue and credited to Carval Tarek, is as intense as that description no doubt sounds; it’s 42 minutes of searing noise, dense pads, rattling kick drums and familiar stabs. Basically if you want to hear what ear-damaging hi-speed kick drums sound like after a night mixing more chemicals than Walter White, here’s your chance.
It’s fitting then that it should be arriving on cassette tape, and it’s due for release on Carvel and Tarek’s own Editions Gravats imprint on April 14.
Low Jack’s astonishing last album, Lighthouse Stories, was released on Modern Love last year and the last album released on Editions Gravats was a blinding women-only mix of reggaeton.
Listen next: FACT mix 552- Low Jack