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Missy Elliott has released a remix of ‘I’m Better’ featuring Lil Kim, Trina and Eve. Is there really anything else that needs to be said other than “listen to this now”?

Earlier this year, Missy released ‘I’m Better’ with a video featuring some of her most innovative choreography to date. “We rehearsed a whole month and I’ve never done that in my whole career. We rehearsed from nine at night until six in the morning, most of the time,” she told FACT after the video’s release. “I wanted it to look like art instead of just a video. I wanted the dance movement to be challenging.”

Missy will co-headline FYF Festival on July 21 with Björk. More details here.

Read next: Missy Elliott on ‘I’m Better’, FKA twigs and the “five or six albums” she’ll never release



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