All sale proceeds will be donated to Safe Child Thailand.
Optimo Music is releasing Coil’s ‘A Cold Cell In Bangkok’ on vinyl for the first time this year.
The song is a remix by the experimental band’s late member Peter ‘Sleazy’ Christopherson, with the original track, ‘Cold Cell’, having appeared on Coil’s much-loved and final 2005 album The Ape of Naples and as ‘A Cold Cell’ on The Wire Tapper 6 compilation prior to that. The Ape of Naples, released a year after the band officially split up following the death of lead vocalist Jhonn Balance, was comprised of Balance’s final recordings and material made previously in Trent Reznor’s New Orleans studio.
As RA reports, Optimo’s JD Twitch got in touch with Christopherson in 2008 to ask about putting the original track on the Optimo – Sleepwalk mix CD but Christopherson offered to do an exclusive remix for the label instead.
Christopherson passed away in 2010. JD Twitch says he felt unable to release the track without the blessing of both departed core Coil members, “but after long consideration have decided to make it available.” All proceeds from sales will be donated to the charity Safe Child Thailand, which “supports children in Thailand irrespective of their nationality, ethnicity or religion.”
Christopherson moved to Thailand in 2005 and lived there up until his death. “Peter Christopherson had made Thailand his home and fallen in love with the country and its people, so I feel he would have approved of this use of funds generated by his music,” explains JD Twitch.
‘A Cold Cell In Bangkok’ is out this September on single-sided 12-inch vinyl with a silk-screened image on the other side designed by Firecracker Recordings boss Lindsay Todd.
Read next: Industrial legend Drew McDowall on Coil and confronting global crisis