Plus remixes by Traxman, Odd Nosdam and more.
Vaporwave’s resident acidhead Nmesh, aka Alex Koenig, has announced his new album Pharma will be released this summer via Orange Milk.
Today you can watch the video for first single ‘NΞ1✪NΞ1’ which samples Yello’s ‘Oh Yeah’ and warps footage from Ferris Bueller’s Day Off into a head-spinning psychedelic collage.
The album is Nmesh’s first since 2014’s Dream Sequins, but follows a very busy period for the producer. He unleashed epic mixes including the 4/20 (as in four hour and twenty minute) video game music marathon Welcome To The Warp Zone, not to mention one of the most brain-meltingly psychedelic FACT mixes we’ve ever heard.
Koenig also released a 360-track compilation and a split-album with t e l e p a t h last year that earned a fan and remixer out of Zomby.
Pharma will be released with a remix album featuring Traxman, Odd Nosdam, Death’s Dynamic Shroud, Foodman and some of the best vaporwave artists on the internet (including plenty of alumni from our Best of Bandcamp column).
Look for Pharma on Orange Milk this summer and revisit Nmesh’s epic FACT mix below.
Tape 1:
01. ‘Understand’
02. ‘NΞ1✪NΞ1’
03. ‘Fall Any Vegetable’
04. ‘Rangdang Slapjab’
05. ‘BΛSS///COP™’
06. ‘Vault Maintenance 700 CMC (Black Swan Dub)’
07. ‘cut scene 5230-4968 albatross 0923-1874’
08. ‘White Lodge Simulation’
09. ‘High Speed Adjustable Broiler’
10. ‘Tiny Classified Ads’
11. ‘Acid Baby (narr. Tony Bamanaboni)’
12. ‘PBS Ancillary Rack Room’
13. ‘Cocktails In Space’
14. ‘Pants-A-Thon @ SQUAREBASE’
15. ‘Mall Full Of Drugs’
16. ‘Phase 1 Lvl Snap Chill’
17. ‘Everyone Will Flake Out’
18. ‘The Program (You Are Stars)’
19. ‘Workalude’
20. ‘/////LD-99/////’
21. ‘Weed Jesus’
22. ‘Twilight Meridian’
23. ‘Milk Channel’
25. ‘Hepatic Portal’
26. ‘Left Alone In A Blue Room’
Tape 2:
01. ‘White Lodge Simulation’ (Odd Nosdam Remix)
02. ‘Fall Any Vegetable’ (食品まつり a.k.a foodman Remix)
03. ‘NΞ1✪NΞ1’ (Jacob 2-2 RMX)
04. ‘Mall Full Of Drugs’ (Traxman’s high as hell remixx)
05. ‘Weed Jesus’ (Giganta Remix)
06. ‘Mall Full Of Drugs’ (Rebuilt by Humanoid)
07. ‘Twilight Meridian’ (GOLDEN LIVING ROOM Remix)
08. ‘Tiny Classified Ads’ (FIRE-TOOLZ Effexor Withdrawal Remix)
09. ‘White Lodge Simulation’ (VAPERROR Remix)
10. ‘PBS Ancillary Rack Room’ (Diamondstein Remix)
11. ‘Twilight Meridian’ (Jade Statues Remix)
12. ‘Hepatic Portal’ (death dynamic shroud.wmv’s NUWRLD Version)
13. ‘Mall Full Of Drugs’ (HKE Remix)
14. ‘Acid Baby’ (Hyphyskazerbox’s Trippy Mane Mix)
15. ‘/////LD-99/////’ (djwwww Remix)
16. ‘Left Alone In A Blue Room’ (Obama420 SCHALk ReM1XXX)