Get up close and personal with the legendary south London rapper.
A feature-length film documenting Giggs’ sold out Landlord Tour is available to watch in full.
Directed by Myles Whittingham, Landlord Tour – The Movie captures behind-the-scenes footage from the April 2017 tour, which came in the wake of the London rapper’s celebrated third album Landlord. The self-released LP went to number two in the UK albums chart.
The movie culminates with footage of Giggs’ massive homecoming show at London’s Eventim Apollo, including a performance of Landlord standout ‘Whippin’ Excursion’ – one of our favorite grime and UK rap songs of 2016.
Giggs’ Landlord Tour went ahead despite years of interference from police. Prior to signing with XL in 2009, the Met’s Operation Trident famously called the label to urge them against getting involved with the rapper. In 2010, ten of Giggs’ shows were cancelled after promoters consulted the police over security fears. In 2013, he was forced to pull out of a show at London’s Under the Bridge at the request of the authorities. [via The FADER]
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