The newest member of the Warp family continues to subvert all expectations.
Yves Tumor doubles down on his unexpected new direction with the release of ‘Licking An Orchid’, a slinky indie pop number that is equal parts sexy and sad.
The track features vocals from experimental vocalist and She Rocks! label head James K (FKA Jamie Krasner), best known for her work with Gobby, as well as her vocal performance on Physical Therapy’s 2012 rager ‘Drone On’. Check out the haunting video, directed by Daniel Sannwald.
The single follows the big beat-referencing ‘Noid’, and gives some more insight into the new sounds Yves Tumor might be exploring on his Warp debut – it is worth noting that URL for the streaming links for both singles contains the cryptic phrase ‘howilearnedtolovetheindiestry’.
Listen to ‘Licking An Orchid’ now. Check out the cover art and listen to James K’s FACT mix below.
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