RVNG have launched a GoFundMe campaign in support of the visionary artist.
Legendary Bay Area composer and healer Pauline Anna Strom is in recovery after recently fracturing her hip.
RVNG, who in 2017 released a compilation of the visionary synthesist’s compositions entitled Trans-Millenia Music, have set up a GoFundMe campaign to raise funds that will go towards Strom’s hospital bills, physical therapy and general living expenses.
Strom is 60 years old and has been blind since birth. In addition to the GoFundMe Campaign, RVNG are also looking for volunteers in the Bay Area to help her with household tasks, reading digital displays on her synthesizers and phone and feeding her two pet reptiles, Little Soulstice and Miss Huff. Strom is reiki master and is offering free sessions in exchange for help around her apartment.
Trans-Millenia Consort recently topped our list of the 20 best New Age albums. Trans-Millenia Music is available now via RVNG.
For more information, check out the GoFundMe campaign here.
Read next: Pauline Anna Strom dreams in color – The legendary loner synthesist on a life of innovation