A bizarre exploration into interspecies communication.
Next up on PAN off-shoot imprint Entopia is the latest project from multi-media artist and technological shaman Jenna Sutela.
nimiia vibié is the audio accompaniment to Sutela’s video installation work nimiia cétiï, in which she sought to document the interactions between a neural network, audio recordings of a Martian language (channelled by French medium Hélène Smith in the nineteenth century, naturally) and footage of Bacillus subtilis, a space-resistant bacterium that is commonly found in nattō, or fermented soybean. It’s a weird one, for sure.
The audio release of the project features Miako Klein on contrabass recorder, Shin-Joo Morgantini on the flute and Amnesia Scanner’s Ville Haimala on sound production duties. Machine learning for the project was developed in collaboration with Memo Akten and Damien Henry.
nimiia vibié is out now.
Read next: The final frontier – How can dance music exist in a digital space?