A soundtrack to Nile Koetting’s 2016 installation of the same name at Maison Hermès, Tokyo.
Following recommendations from the Amazon algorithm, artist Nile Koetting purchased a selection of devices, including a wireless LAN system, a Dyson humidifier, an air purifier, an aroma diffuser, a 5.1ch home theater speaker, a line array speaker system, and a robot to display for Sustainable Hours, his contribution to the 2016 group show ‘Les Liaisons ambiguës’, held at the Ginza Maison Hermès Le Forum in Tokyo.
For the installation soundtrack Koetting enlisted the talents of The Death Of Rave affiliate Nozomu Matsumoto, who transforms punk lyrics into hauntological text-to-speech ambient, recontextualising antiquated anxieties about the future to score a snapshot of the commercial dystopia of the present.
Sustainable Hours follows Climatotherapy, which was released on The Death Of Rave back in 2018. Sustainable Hours is out now on The Death Of Rave – you can find previews at Boomkat.