Exploring modular synthesisers and the art of making electronic music with hardware.

Lucrecia Dalt is former geotechnical engineer from Colombia who is currently based in Berlin. On her album Anticlines, released in 2018 on RVNG Intl , she combined delicate, abstract tones and captivating spoken word to create a unique sonic landscape.

In this video, Dalt presents a performance of material from Anticlines from Paris’s Sonic Protest Festival at La Dynamo de Banlieues Bleues on March 10, 2020. Dalt’s setup for the performance included Nord Clavia for synthesizer and vocoder, Make Noise Erbe Verb, Intellijel Rainmaker and Moogerfooger Murf as processors, a mixer as concatenator, as well as Ableton and FH-1 as sequencers.

Lucretia Dalt’s new record Anticlines (Outtakes) is available now. You can find the rest of her music on Bandcamp.

Filmed by Ben Lx

Watch next: Patch Notes: BlankFor.ms



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