Musician, filmmaker and Föllakzoid founder Domingæ shares the third and final part of her album and audiovisual triptych, Æ.
“When music is channeled, a technological inter-dimensional platform is also created,” asserts Domingæ. “This gathers the knowledge of our current times by articulating them with all the ancestral information stored in us that shape us bio-kinetically and by systematically unlearning all previous notions of structure and cognitive frames for it to be replicated in a timeless and eternal yet perceivable moment.” This is the space the musician, filmmaker and Föllakzoid founder draws from for her debut solo work, Æ, an album and film accompaniment recorded after the artist relocated to Mexico during the pandemic. She continues: “The spacetime gravitational modulation presented in Æ will also be replicable in another moment in time where for example high, mid and low frequencies will be replaced by luminous, thermal and tectonic modulations in other simultaneous dimensions that are, without knowing, resting the echo of the ages.”

Here she presents the third and final part of Æ, an audiovisual triptych that sees Domingæ guiding us through an alien odyssey. Asæse follows Æva & Dæmon and Archaens, serving as an expansion of the Æ universe and a conclusion to Domingæ’s narrative. “The sonic platform is also designed to perceive gravitational frequencies and modulate them in order to activate the cryptochromatic (i.e. dark light particles) receptors in our eyes with the purpose of synchronizing the retro-cognition and the precognitive particles and information through the imagination, achieving a simultaneous state of matter and dissolution. The holographic simultaneous dimensions, which realities are rooted in, have a gravitational gateway that has always been stored in our DNA, and by joining in being led by its force, we can access where the infinite becomes eternal. Like all truths, something we were expecting from the outside but that was actually inside of us the whole time. Paradise is not a place but a deep state of consciousness.”

“The notion of individuals as part of a universe that is singular and separate from the whole is obsolete, as is solid matter and so on. We are deconstructed and dissolved into multividuals, parts and whole of the multiverses that manifest as reality. A concept explored time and time again is the question of whether it is us programming it or if it is it programming us,the answer being: both simultaneously. In times like these, a new format of music where the spectator is dissolved is a necessity. Music that hears you, inside of Æ, you are the music hearing the relentless heartbeats of our decaying biotechnological avatars.”

Æ is out now on Sacred Bones. You can view Part I and Part II here.
For more information about Domingæ and her work, you can follow her on Instagram and check out her Bandcamp, You can donate to Domingæ’s Transition and Survival Fund here.
Æ Credits:
Directors: Caco Marshall & Dominga Huidobro
Producer: Omar Uscanga
Screenwriter: Dominga Huidobro
Cinematographer: Angelo Faccini
Editor: Guille Mezac
Assistant director: Diego Borda
Costume Designer & Styling: Constanza Nahmad
All music by Domingae
Track: Asæse
Album: æ
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